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Retail Shop

Writer's picture: undefined

As part of Hamba Bamba Funda’s philosophy of uplifting the Kliptown community it has been long time aim to help create an income for some of its residents.

Monja had been receiving various donations of clothes from a Director of HBF and clients from her private practise and wanted to pass these item on to benefit as many people as possible...from there the idea was realised to open a retail shop to sell them.

HBF enquired with other charity organisations whether they could buy “bulk” surplice stock from them to increase the range and offering for the shop. One in particular were very accommodating and adopted this project, offering the stock free of charge on a regular basis, which was gratefully accepted.

We meticulously unpacked the bags separating them into women’s, men’s, girls & boys clothes along with shoes and accessories.

A “bar code” system was formulated for each category and stickers were bought to display this, along with the price.

I spoke at length with “Anna” as to what kind of price range should be adopted, based on the expected income of customers. It was decided that rather price the stock so it was affordable to all residents and sell quickly.



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