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Hamba. Bamba. Funda on SABC!

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In Celebration of Human Rights Day in South Africa, HBF is spreading awareness on the importance of the crucial role that Early Childhood education plays for the future of all children starting at the age of 0.

The South African Broadcasting Association (SABC) visited and filmed part 3 of 4 Introductory Workshops where HBF's main objective is to run a pilot project in Kliptown, Soweto to train unemployed woman in the community to become caregivers and therefore creating employment and to educate parents about the importance of stimulation and interaction for the development of their child.

Early Childhood Stimulation /Mothers being taught how to interact with their babies in Kliptown, Soweto was broadcasted on National News in South Africa in celebration of Human Rights Day.

This explorative and experiential learning is inspired by Postural Integration (an approach that works with body, emotions and thought), Emmi Pikler approach (Pikler believed that parents and caregivers need to take the time to make nappy changing, feeding, bathing and dressing, an unhurried and pleasant quality time – with the baby being an active partner) The Feldenkrais Method and Chava Shelhav Child'space method.



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